Career transition: how can you determine your current job situation?
Posted at 04/06/2018

Evaluate your professional situation
One of the first steps in a retraining initiative is to determine what your current situation is, so you can understand why you feel such a desire for change.
What aspects of your job do you enjoy and which ones do you dislike? Does your lack of interest come from your job, the company culture or your colleagues?
Remind yourself of professional experiences, volunteering or any other projects that have brought you tremendous satisfaction in the past. Identify the positive points that led you to choose your current industry and the points that, on the contrary, make you want to distance yourself from it.
If your job doesn’t correspond to your talents and passions, it is unsurprising that you want to reposition yourself.
Consider new avenues for your career transition
Give your old noggin a workout and start researching to find career alternatives. Discuss your new goals with family, friends, and networking contacts. They will be able to inform your thinking and narrow down your transition choices.
You can compare several jobs that interest you. To do this, don’t hesitate to consult job offers, as you can approach this step with precise targets in mind. This will allow you to assess whether your career expectations match the salary, experience or skills required for the desired positions.
Test your interest in new areas of business
Try to get in touch with people who are already working in the industries that interest you. Even a summary discussion with a person who has experience in the field could shed new and honest light on the type of job being sought.
Tagging along with a worker who has a position you are interested in, whether for a few hours or a few days, could also give you a good idea of what a typical day in their professional life involves. If this ends up confirming your interest, you are on the right track.
Identify volunteer opportunities related to your career transition goals. You will be able to test your competence and your level of curiosity towards the job.
Analyze and develop the skills required for your new career
Investigate course or seminar opportunities that could help link your current experience to a new field of activity. Obtaining a diploma or certification can act as a measure of competence, while proving your commitment to the position in question.
Try to find a way to get ahead by developing new abilities in your current job. These skills could pave the way for additional tasks and facilitate yourcareer change.
Remember that over time, you have developed specialized knowledge related to your current industry. This knowledge will be more valued in an area of employment related to your own. This gives you the opportunity to start on a higher rung of the ladder by considering a new position in the same industry.
Value your past experience in your future career
When you feel ready to apply for a job in a new field, make sure that your cover letter reflects your aspirations and that your resume is redirected to your new goals. This way, you can place value on your current professional skills that can be used to the benefit of your budding career.
Do you have any questions about the possibilities of a career transition or would you like support in your job search? The Fed Africa team is at your disposal to help find the right position for you!